Are You A Peak Performer?
💡Whether you are exceptionally gifted, notably experienced or simply worked very hard to build your clientele, you are at your peak when you are in the top 5% of your industry peers
💡You understand that while technical skills are important for a number of reasons like helping you work more efficiently, they are just one component needed for salon stylist success
💡Your actions, behavior and energy are also part of the performance that creates the total client experience.
👉Your clients, colleagues and other salon guests are observing and judging the way you perform and behave.
👉 Perhaps this seems unfair, but it is still the case.
👉With the right combination of skills and attitude you just might bring down the house with a performance worthy of a standing ovation!
👉In order to maximize your potential as a peak performer and attract and retain clients, it’s time to turn up the skills YOU DIDN’T LEARN IN BEAUTY SCHOOL
Focusing on yourself might sound very self-centered, but as you grow and improve yourself, you'll be able to give more to your clients while setting healthy boundaries with the people you work with.
You need a work environment that supports clarity and allow you to be a peak performer. Remove clutter. Clean up and organize your station, tools and drawer. Add a plant to create a beautiful environment within the salon that looks and feels clean, unique, luxurious and inviting.
A positive salon culture improves teamwork, raises the morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and enhances retention of the workforce. The environment should be a combination of your organization's leadership, values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviours and attitudes that contribute to the emotional and relational environment of your workplace