Create A Winning Workplace Vibe!
Everything about your brand contributes to your workplace culture
Hey Beauty Pro,
You have the knowledge and tools to create a winning workplace vibe!
That’s right 😜
Your values and beliefs, actions and energy contribute directly to your workplace culture.
Here is my definition of Workplace Culture:
The culmination of everyone and everything that contributes to and energizes the work environment.
💡 It's the personality and characteristics that make your workplace unique.
💡 It's the values and behaviors you expect from yourself and your colleagues,
💡It's the energy that allows everyone to enjoy a healthy and thriving environment that can be seen and felt by all.
💡 Clients want to come because they find what you offer unique and appealing and feel the vibe of your culture!
When everyone is on the same page you can feel that powerful and positive vibe.
You love coming to work!
My goal here is simple, to show you how every element of your brand, which is everything that makes you uniquely you, contributes to the overall culture and vibe of your workplace.
Here are the 6 elements you’ll need to focus in order to strengthen your brand within the workplace:
Clients perception of your brand is based is on their interactions with you, from your visual presentation, style, actions, energy and behaviors.
What your product or service does and how well you perform will inform a client’s decision surrounding the quality and the standards that are woven into your brand.
Your internal beliefs and most deeply held assumptions about yourself, the world, and others. These are things that you won't compromise on.
The central motivating aims of your life, your work and your big picture goal. This is Your big WHY.
It's the way you process and construct the future vision of yourself and your brand.
Characteristic patterns of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and the energy that you or your brand delivers.
The guiding principles and moral compass of the team that you are part of which is are actively used to make decisions, especially the toughest ones.
As a beauty pro, when the elements of your brand and message are clear, you have the potential to positively influence your colleagues, clients and the energy of your environment while upholding your beliefs and values, every minute and every hour of every day.
It’s time to get honest:
📝 What role do YOU play at the workplace?
📝 Is your workplace culture energized or is it in need of a recalibration?
📝 Do your values and beliefs align with your current workplace culture.
📝 Have you ever considered leaving because the people or the environment aren’t upholding shared values and beliefs? .
In order for the workplace to thrive and run efficiently, the majority of team members that function inside of it must align and uphold similar values and shared beliefs. Simply put, how YOU show up at any given moment with your unique product or service will either energize or diminish the environment which you are part of.
You are part of the sum total of the workplace culture.
When you work with a team, there is no way around this.
Team based environments can be challenging. It isn’t easy to get everyone to uphold similar values when the workplace culture is in jeopardy, which is one of the reasons many beauty pros become Solopreneurs.
As a Solopreneur, you are in control of every aspect of your workplace. You have the opportunity to exercise the values and behaviors that you expect from yourself without the worry of others actions and behaviors diminishing what you are trying to accomplish.
While in some ways this can seem easier and less stressful, it's a huge responsibility.
You must be able to handle all of the moving parts that accompany owning and operating a business without the support of a leadership team or other beauty pros. Every element of your brand ( you) must be strong in order to maintain a loyal and long lasting clientele, one who will sing your praises and market on your behalf free of charge! It’s the only way you’ll be able to monetize your services and grow your business as a Solopreneur.
Team based or Solopreneur workplace cultures requires a specific mindset with different skill-sets.
Learn At Your Leisure
everything you didn’t learn in beauty school
Here is what you learned:
✅ If you are part of a team, discovering and upholding shared values is the ONLY way to maintain a thriving and energized workplace.
✅ if you are a Solopreneur, you are in control but you have the added responsibility of upholding your own values and beliefs and creating a robust business strategy that will attract and retain clients.
✅ Going it alone means that your workspace IS the entire workplace culture
✅ Working with a team means that you are a member of the overall workplace culture.
✅ When values are clear in either scenario, you can feel the energy and excitement which makes coming to work so enjoyable.
If you're currently in a workplace that prides itself on delivering remarkable experiences, BRAVO! The collective values and shared beliefs are being upheld.
As you envision your ideal workplace, what values are needed to make the environment amazing!
At House Of Harbinger, we’ll give you the tools to help you empower your workplace and team. It all begins with the online program, The Beauty School Sequel. All of the lessons inside help you set goals, create a clear plan of action and uphold the values that will help you and your team reach your fullest business potential.
Today is a great day to put your name on the waitlist for our next program.
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